Notice of design adjustment on the label and packing of civil wire

  • 02:32, 23/11/2022
  • 1916

CADIVI Company informs customers about the improvement of the label on civil wire products and the specific packing specifications of civil wire products as follows:




Dear Customer


First of all, Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company would like to thank customers for trusting and using CADIVI branded Power Cables during the past time.

Pursuant to Circular No. 05/2019/TT-BKHCN dated June 26, 2019 of the Ministry of Science and Technology, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP dated 14/05 April 2017 of the Government on goods labels.

In order to meet the needs of the market, comply with the provisions of the Law and fight against imitation and counterfeit goods, thereby serving customers better and better, our company has continuously researched and invested in technology. , constantly improving and improving product quality. Now CADIVI company informs customers about the improvement of the label on civil wire products and the specific packing specifications of civil wire products as follows:

1. Adjustment of civil wire label design:


2. Adjustment of civil wire packing specifications:

Height of the coils


Increase to

67 mm

70 mm

87 mm

100 mm

  • Coil packing length: keep 100 meters

    Northern region (From Ha Tinh onwards): Apply according to Official Letter 5239/CV-KDTT dated October 1, 2022.
    Southern and Central regions: Apply from November 25, 2022.



  • “Product name/symbol” printed on CADIVI product label is identical with “Product name/symbol” printed on power cable and also “Nominal cross-section” of conductor.
  • When choosing to buy electrical cable products, it is safe to avoid confusion; You should note that "Product Name / Symbol", "Nominal Cross-section" printed on the product label & on the power cable must be printed with the same "number" to ensure that you buy the correct "Nominal Cross-section" of the conductor. This is very important, to avoid the habit that shoppers often choose electrical cables that read only according to "Product Name / Symbol" without paying attention to the "Nominal Cross-section" of the conductor.

    In addition to the above changes, the contents of information about the unit, product, specifications and instructions for use, storage, safety warnings ... on the product label have not changed and comply with the regulations. Decision 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 on goods labels.
    Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company (CADIVI) will officially circulate civil wire products with improved labels and coil heights in a new form from November 25, 2022. 
    CADIVI company affirmed that this improvement does not affect the quality of CADIVI branded products that have been trusted and trusted by consumers so far. The improvement is only to increase awareness and convenience when selling and developing the CADIVI brand in the near future.

    Sincerely thank customers for creating conditions for the development of CADIVI.


                                                                                                          GENERAL MANAGER



                                                                                                         LE QUANG DINH (signed)