• 01:07, 24/12/2019
  • 2202
On the morning of December 23, the Prime Minister's Conference with representatives of the community of more than 700,000 businesses took place in Hanoi with the theme "Strong development of enterprises - Integration, efficiency, sustainability". This conference is an opportunity for the Prime Minister, Government members and the business community to look back, evaluate the development situation, the achieved results; limitations, shortcomings, causes and recommendations, solutions to promote businesses' development.

About 1,000 delegates are leaders of ministries, agencies and central agencies; leaders of agencies of the Party, National Assembly, localities, organizations, business associations ... attended the event, the third dialogue with businesses since Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc took office in 2016.

With the determination to bring Vietnam's business environment and competitiveness into the top of ASEAN, the Conference continued to affirm the Government's commitment to accompany the business community and pioneering forces on the economic front. growing stronger, more than 126,000 new businesses established each year. Particularly in 2019, it is expected to reach 136,000 newly established enterprises, the total registered capital of about 1.7 million billion dong, bringing the total number of active businesses to about 760,000 enterprises.

On the sidelines of the Conference, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and delegates visited booths displaying products, services, technology, machines, equipment ... of a number of Vietnamese corporations and businesses.


CADIVI booth is pleased to welcome Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to visit


At the booth, CADIVI company had the opportunity to introduce to the Prime Minister about its products, especially the new product line of ACCC® super conductor aluminum core composite cable with superior features compared with aluminum core wire. ACSR steel such as: lighter weight, low deflection, high working temperature (up to 200 OC), capable of carrying double current ...

In the spirit of always accompanying enterprises of the Party and State as well as the strong efforts of the business community, after more than 30 years of innovation, the business sector has increasingly promoted and affirmed its role. , an important position in socio-economic development.

“ACCC®  is a registered trademark of CTC Global Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.”
“ACCC®  Conductors are manufactured under license from CTC Global Corporation, in accordance with its technical requirements and specifications.”