Product certification marks CADIVI achieve high quality Item consecutive VN 21st

  • 01:22, 10/02/2017
  • 10180
Date 23/01/2017, Vietnam Business Association of High Quality Goods has been recognized for businesses whose products won the title in 2017 as consumers HVNCLC voted while CADIVI.

The survey voted Vietnam High Quality Goods 2017 (HVNCLC) to businesses, Vietnam High Quality Goods chaired done officially closed after 4 months of field investigations and more than a month to receive comments feedback management agencies at local business that registered businesses (with 67 units from 34 localities across the country have responded), the media, and consumers.

The result has been 588 enterprises consumers voted CADIVI which is one of 42 consecutive business reached 21 years HVNCLC.

Accompanying the program from the start, far CADIVI has won the title 21 times in a row. The good news at this point is the common achievement of all officers and employees CADIVI has its best efforts during the past years, and we will always preserve the image of a business continuity 21 years awarded the title of high-quality goods VN voted by consumers.



Trinh Quoc Toan, Deputy General Director of CADIVI will receive the certificate 20 years HVNCLC by President Truong Tan Sang and President Nguyen Thanh Phong People's Committee awarded