Product certification marks CADIVI achieve high quality Item consecutive VN 20th

  • 10:30, 25/02/2016
  • 3202
Date 02/23/2016, Vietnam Business Association of High Quality Goods has been recognized for businesses whose products won the title in 2016 HVNCLC voted by consumers, including CADIVI.

The survey voted VN high quality Item 2016 was conducted in 37 provinces and cities across the country. Total direct survey is 13,940 and 16,000 consumer surveys regularly throughout the year. Subjects of investigation is the direct consumer personal, direct and consumer protection experts. The result has been 668 enterprises consumers voted CADIVI which is a gain of 42 consecutive business HVNCLC 20 years.

After announcing the list of consumers now voted Business Association Vietnam High Quality Goods has received records to self transparency of business and published a list of 500 NOW OFFICIAL MEETING MARKS VIETNAM CERTIFICATION QUALITY PRODUCTS BY cONSUMERS POLLS iN 2016, including CADIVI.

Accompanying the program from the start, far CADIVI was named the 20th consecutive time. The good news at this point is the common achievement of all officers and employees CADIVI has its best efforts during the past years, and we will always preserve the image of a business continuity 20 years awarded the title of high-quality goods VN voted by consumers.



Trinh Quoc Toan, Deputy General Director of CADIVI will receive the certificate 20 years HVNCLC by President Truong Tan Sang and President Nguyen Thanh Phong People's Committee awarded