Only 114 listed companies meet the disclosure standard in 2017

  • 08:10, 09/09/2017
  • 9160
In 2017, the number of listed companies in compliance with the obligation to disclose information on the stock market in Vietnam has decreased. What has caused the rate of violation of the business increased? Where is the best enterprise information disclosure market? What are the faults that businesses are violating?


Information disclosure is a mandatory obligation for all listed firms on the two bourses of Vietnam. This is not only an obligation but also a responsibility of listed companies with the investor community in general and shareholders in particular.

In 2017, Vietstock co-operated with the Financial and Life Newspaper (FiLi) to conduct a comprehensive survey on compliance with information disclosure obligations on the Vietnamese stock market.

This year's survey corresponds to the period 01/07 / 2016-30 / 06/2017, the standards of the survey are applied in accordance with Circular 155/2015 / TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance. Disclosure of information on the stock market.

Only 114 DNNY standardized information disclosure

The results of the survey show that the number of enterprises complied fully and fully with the disclosure obligation on both stock exchanges (HOSE and HNX) was 114 among 672 listed companies. The survey, corresponding to the rate of 16.69%.



According to the above graph, the number and proportion of enterprises that fulfill correctly and fully the obligations of the information disclosure in 2017 has decreased slightly compared to 2016. With the requirements of information disclosure more rigorous of Circular No. 155/2016 / TT-BTC compared with Circular 52/2012 / TT-BTC, the number and percentage of enterprises meeting the declining information standards in 2017 is understandable.



CAV: Stock code of CADIVI on HOSE

Besides the statistics related to information disclosure, the survey also revealed many interesting things. That is, listed companies that meet the 2017 information disclosure standard are those with superior business performance over the rest. The attraction of this group to the investment community is also much higher.

More information about the survey at the Vietnam Stock Market Report 2017.

Survey unit

The Vietnam Association of Financial Officers (VAFE) ( is a social-professional organization of Vietnamese organizations and individuals working in finance and management. financial treatment. The Association seeks to contribute to the promotion and development of financial management and the application of governance rules to financial decisions that lead to decisions on the use and allocation of resources. Finance the most effectively from the sphere of public finance management, financial management for organizations or businesses, to financial management for families and individuals.
Vietstock is the pioneer in many aspects of the financial sector in Vietnam, from investor relations (IR); providing information, digitized data and financial-securities forums; develop in-depth tools for web-based investments and software applications; analysis and training of technical analysis in investment; To publish publications such as Technical Analysis from A to Z, Role of Investor Relations (IR) in Maximizing Value of Business, Business Directory Listing.

Finance and Electronic Life ( The Finance and Life Newspaper (FiLi) is the organ of the Vietnam Association of Financial Administrators.

(According to information from