
In order to demonstrate social responsibility, spread the tradition of "the healthy leaf protects the torn leaf," and contribute to improving the lives of people in difficult circumstances, the CADIVI Cable and Electrical Wire Company (the Company) coordinated with the People's Committee of Nhon Hoi Commune, An Phu District, An Giang Province to organize a program to donate Great Unity Houses to poor households in the commune.

This event took place within the framework of the 2024 National Customer Conference of Vietnam Electric Cable Corporation (CADIVI), which was held in Da Nang from May 24-26.


From May 24-26, 2024, Vietnam Electric Cable Corporation (CADIVI) will hold the 2024 Customer Conference with the theme "Uniting Strength – Leading the Future".


According to recently announced information, starting from May 3rd, 2024, Mr. Lê Bá Thọ will assume the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam Electric Cable Corporation (CADIVI).


The new CEO of CADIVI is Mr. Ho Quang Nhan - currently serving as the Deputy CEO, who has been with the company for 12 years.

Dated 12.06.2015, at the head office on Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, District 1, HCMC; Joint Stock Company Vietnam Electric Cable (CADIVI) has held product launching event "data transmission cable, coaxial cable, control cable mesh armor" to provide to agents, partners fully informed and accuracy of the new products are brought to market.
To encourage and motivate businesses build credibility VN commodity product and service competitiveness and introduce, promote the image and prestige of Vietnam's trade with foreign traders, the Ministry of Industry trade has held the title selection prestigious Exporter 2014.

Ngày 3/7, tại TP.Vũng Tàu đã diễn ra lễ ký kết hợp đồng hợp tác chiến lược giữa Công ty Cổ phần Dây cáp điện Việt Nam (CADIVI) và Tổng Công ty CP Đầu tư phát triển xây dựng (DIC Corp).

Tiếp nối các chương trình của chuỗi "Hội chợ Hàng Việt Nam chất lượng cao" 2015, CADIVI sẽ tham dự Hội chợ HVNCLC tại thành phố Nha Trang tỉnh Khánh Hòa từ ngày 07/07 đến hết ngày 13/07/2015.
Ngày 19/6/2015, công ty Công ty CP Dây cáp điện Việt Nam (HOSE: CAV) vừa được xếp hạng thứ 10 trong 50 công ty kinh doanh hiệu quả nhất Việt Nam” năm 2015.