GELEX receives 3 national brand titles at once

  • 08:08, 28/12/2018
  • 4663
On the evening of December 20, at Hanoi Opera House, 97 enterprises with products reaching the National Brand were honored by the National Brand Council. Among them, there are notably Vietnam Electricity Equipment Joint Stock Corporation and 2 member units. This is the only group with up to 3 units honored in the ceremony.


Gelex system accounts for 3/97 National Brands

Together with the parent company Gelex, two member units, namely Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company (Cadivi) and Electric Equipment Joint Stock Company (Thibidi) were also honored with the National Brand, period 2018 - 2020. Among 700,000 Vietnamese enterprises operating and operating, in 2018 only 97 enterprises have products that meet national standards, of which Gelex system accounts for 3/97 of this title. This is also the 3rd time in a row, Gelex is proud and honored to be recognized as a National Brand (from 2014 to present); Cadivi is the 6th (from 2008 to present) and Thibidi is the 2nd time (from 2016 to present).

The Vietnam National Brand Program has been approved by the Prime Minister since 2003 and this is the only program of the Government to promote national and national images through product brands (goods and services). ). The Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to be the standing body, responsible for coordinating with ministries and branches to implement the program.

Must be aware of the importance of the National Brand

Sharing with us the reason why Gelex system has 3 honorable units, Gelex leader said: "Gelex identifies the National Brand as a prestigious and prestigious title, demonstrating the quality of standing products. Being strong in the domestic market and developing abroad, we always focus on developing products and services to achieve this title, Vietnam Value logo is not a brand award, but higher, it is the Government recognition, appreciation of the consumer community for Gelex's products and services, is also a bridge to help Gelex promote its brands and products in the country and internationally. "

With the determination to focus resources, sustainable development strategies to create high quality products and services at reasonable prices is one of the prerequisites for the Gelex system to have up to 3 units in total. less than 100 businesses of the whole country. It must be said that Vietnam currently has hundreds of thousands of businesses in operation, so Gelex and these 2 units are honored in this year is very proud.


Product quality is the core

The most important thing for a National Brand is product quality. The ultimate goal of each brand is to bring the best value and experience to customers. "Gelex is committed to providing our customers with high quality products through state-of-the-art solutions and superior services" - that is the mission throughout Gelex and the entire system of Gelex subsidiaries. obey strictly.

Gelex has over the past years been able to grow and grow strongly. Gelex is known to be the leading unit in the electrical equipment industry, aiming at perfecting the electricity industry ecosystem including power generation, power transmission, electricity distribution and consumption from the Low voltage, Middle voltage and High voltage. Besides promoting internal growth, Gelex is also aiming at an export market with "made in Vietnam" labels such as Cadivi, Thibidi, Emic, Hem ... Currently, Gelex is operating in 4 main areas including Cong Industry, Utilities (Energy and Clean Water), Logictics and Real Estate with representatives of 4 subsidiaries including Gelex Electrics LTD, Gelex Energy LTD, Gelex Logistics LTD and Gelex Land LTD.

With the model of a corporation taking the main industrial production activities, Gelex has directed to focus on building an R&D team at Gelex Electric, building a system-wide technology fund to encourage creative thinking. , developing new high-voltage products that are currently dependent on imports.

Modern management model with specialized members of the Board of Directors in charge of each business section and the strategy of placing R&D in the whole group is a key part that helps Gelex always meet the market and tastes. user.

Achieving a national level is a pride and a great responsibility of Mother Gelex as well as two member companies. In the coming time, Gelex hopes that many member companies in their system will also reach the National Brand. Gelex and its member units are committed to upholding the National Brand, while continuing to improve and maintain product quality, constantly innovate, create and apply advanced techniques and advanced technologies. to produce products and services that better meet the needs of the market. In addition, Gelex also focuses on improving the pioneering position of its businesses and its market in the country and abroad, to deserve a representative role, typical for Vietnam National University.
