• 07:33, 29/05/2021
  • 1769
On May 28, 2021, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, the representative of Vietnam Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Corporation (GELEX) donated VND 30 billion to fund the purchase of vaccines for the fight against Covid-19 at the Ministry of Health. Vietnam.

The Covid-19 epidemic not only adversely affects the health of the community but also negatively affects all aspects of socio-economic life. Recently, with the direction of the Government and the consensus of the people of the country, Vietnam has successfully controlled 3 outbreaks and gradually controlled the 4th wave. Currently, vaccination is the measure. The most important thing to help control and prevent Covid-19 and gradually bring people's lives back to normal. However, to ensure 150 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to immunize 75% of Vietnam's population under the direction of the Politburo and the Government, Vietnam needs huge funding.

Sharing with the state budget, together with the business community, GELEX has decided to deduct VND 30 billion to support the Government's Covid-19 vaccine purchase fund to help people get vaccinated early, contribute disease prevention and control.

Speaking at the support reception, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long - Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Minister of Health, on behalf of doctors, nurses and employees of the whole health sector, expressed his sincere thanks to businesses and sponsors who have had timely and practical contributions to the implementation of the Party and Government's policy on the purchase of pandemic vaccines for the people of the country.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Tieu - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of GELEX (right photo) presented an amount of VND 30 billion to support the COVID-19 Vaccine Fund to the Minister of Health.

Sharing about this meaningful activity, Mr. Nguyen Trong Tieu, Vice Chairman of GELEX Board of Directors, said that since the Covid-19 epidemic took place, with a sense of social responsibility, GELEX has actively contributed to the work. City's disease prevention and control. Hanoi in particular and the country in general. Responding to the call of the Prime Minister this time, GELEX contributed 30 billion VND to support the purchase of vaccines.

Previously, accompanying the Health sector and the whole country in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, GELEX participated and implemented many activities, bringing practical results. For example, in 2020, GELEX awarded the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases and the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology with an amount of 5 billion VND to add more equipment, biological products and medical supplies for prevention work. , anti-epidemic.

At the same time, in the fight with Covid-19, from the first days, GELEX and its units have drastically implemented epidemic prevention measures under the direction of the Government to maintain safe production and business activities. whole. Currently, GELEX and its units are still trying their best, striving to continue to perform well the "dual" task: both to carry out COVID-19 prevention and control work, and to produce and do business for business development. socio-economic of the country.