Development of fire protection feature for CADIVI điện electrical cable products

  • 08:14, 01/06/2021
  • 1984

CADIVI Company informs customers of Official Letter No. 3144/CV-KDTT dated June 1, 2021 on the development of fire protection feature for CADIVI electrical cable products.

Dear Customer


First of all, Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company would like to thank customers for trusting and using CADIVI branded Power Cables during the past time.

In order to create added value for electric cable products, CADIVI company has developed fire protection feature for all product lines of civil electrical cables. This feature helps customers feel more secure when using CADIVI wire in industrial and civil works.

At present, the safe, economical and efficient use of electrical energy is an urgent need of the people and society, in which the electrical conductor is one of the most important factors to be noted for meet the above requirements.

Electrical cable products on the market today are very diverse, with many different types produced by many places, but choosing which product to use for peace of mind is still a concern for customers.

Understanding this, CADIVI company has successfully researched and developed the fire protection feature for the entire line of existing civil electrical cables of the company. Accordingly, the cable has been tested for vertical fire resistance and has reached the level specified by national and international standards such as IEC 60332-1; AS/NZS 5000.1; TCVN 6610-5 … This is a feature that applies to all CADIVI product lines that few other brands on the market can do.

So the product is widely used in:

* Industrial works.

* Civil works.

* Works, locations need to prevent fire and explosion, limit fire spread...

For the purpose of helping you easily identify genuine CADIVI products, on the product label, there is a mark of Flame retardant product to identify this feature (following the illustration on the following page).

The products that have been circulating on the market (no signs of fire spread) of CADIVI still ensure quality and fully meet the provisions of the law and the State. The flame spread prevention feature was developed to add added value to CADIVI electrical cables, and is also one of our practical actions to fulfill our promise: Always strive to improve product quality. products to satisfy customers' trust in CADIVI power cables.

This information was published on the website on April 21, 2021.

Sincerely thank customers for creating conditions for the development of CADIVI.


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