Design adjustment notice on civil wire labels

  • 10:31, 06/05/2021
  • 2941
CADIVI Company informs customers of Official Letter No. 2556 / CV-KDTT dated May 6, 2021 regarding design adjustment on civil wire labels.

Dear Customer

First of all, Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company would like to thank our customers for trusting and using CADIVI-branded electric cables during the past time.

Pursuant to Circular No. 05/2019 / TT-BKHCN dated June 26, 2019 of the Ministry of Science and Technology on detailing the implementation of a number of articles of Decree No. 43/2017 / ND-CP dated 14/14 April 2017 of the Government on goods labels.

To meet the needs of the market, comply with the provisions of the Law and fight counterfeit and counterfeit goods. Since then, serving customers better and better, our company has continuously researched and invested in technology, constantly improving and improving product quality.

Now CADIVI Company would like to inform customers about the adjustment of the design of the product we produce as follows:



* The anti-counterfeiting stamp affixed on CADIVI products is a reflective 7-color hologram stamp registered for protection by the International Association of holographic Manufacturers (IHMA) based in London, and is valid globally.

The contents of information about units, products, specifications and instructions for use, storage, safety warnings ... on the new design label (new label) are not changed and comply with the proposal. Decree 43/2017 / ND-CP dated 14/04/2017 on goods labels.

Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company (CADIVI) will begin to adjust the design on the goods label from May 15, 2021 and officially bring new-labeled products to the market on June 1 /. 2021. During the transition period, products with old and new labels will be circulated in parallel on the market. To verify genuine goods, please check by composing the message as instructions printed on anti-counterfeiting stamps.

CADIVI Company would like to confirm that this adjustment does not affect the quality of CADIVI branded products that have been trusted and trusted by consumers so far. The adjustment is only to improve the level of quality control and develop CADIVI brand in the near future.

Sincerely thank customers for creating conditions for the development of CADIVI.

                                                                                                       GENERAL MANAGER





                                                                                                               LE QUANG DINH