CADIVI successful transformation into a quality management system ISO 9001: 2015

  • 09:26, 24/02/2017
  • 12084
Recently, the Directorate for Standards and Quality, Compliance Certification Center (QUACERT) issued a decision to grant the certificate of quality management system ISO 9001: 2015 for JSC Vietnam Power Cable (CADIVI). Accordingly, CADIVI has successfully implemented the transition to quality management system is advanced.

After years of implementing ISO 9001: 2008, May 9/2015, International Organization for Standardization has officially issued the ISO 9001: 2015.

Before conversion requirements of the new situation to improve productivity - quality management systems according to international standards to be updated, the leaders CADIVI has organized training programs Internal Review quality management system under ISO 9001: 2015 with the participation of the leaders of subordinate units.

CADIVI has 3 affiliated factories from South Central to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015. The separation of 3 terms of operation, support and evaluate the operation of this standard had more in line with the reality of the business, creating new development, so the unit can accomplish the goal of the year revenue .



Reportedly, this is the achievement gained after deploying external assessment standards of quality management ISO 9001: 2015 at all units of CADIVI by expert teams evaluate (place in 2 days 07 & 08/12 / 2016) and the results of examination of dossiers certified Compliance certification Center (QUACERT) implementation.

Access to the advanced management system in the world, to be active in international economic integration is what CADIVI is done.