CADIVI products are certified as typical industrial and supporting products in 2018

  • 02:12, 27/12/2018
  • 3093
On December 27, 2018, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee held a ceremony to award the certificate of typical industrial and supporting industrial products in 2018 to 38 enterprises in HCM City, including CADIVI.

Criteria for participation in the program are products - the city's industrial and supporting industrial product group that can contribute to the industrial development as well as the economic restructuring of the City, from then on. develop mechanisms and policies to support the development of typical products selected. In addition, the program has gradually built and formed a list of typical industrial and supporting products of the City, serving as a basis for promotion activities, calling for investment in supporting industries. support Through that, contribute to motivate businesses to actively innovate and innovate in production and business.

After more than 8 months of work, the Department of Industry and Trade presided over and coordinated with the Supporting Industry Development Center and related units to score products and product groups participating. On December 8, 2018, the Voting Committee conducted a review and selected the participating documents, whereby 38 products and product groups of 30 enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City were awarded. CADIVI Company is honored to receive the title of Typical supporting industrial products for the group of cable products (low voltage power cable, medium voltage electric cable).


Ông Nguyễn Phương Đông   Phó Giám đốc Sở Công Thương Tp Hồ Chí Minh đọc quyết định công nhận sản phẩm công nghiệp và công nghiệp hỗ trợ tiêu biểu Tp HCM năm 2018


Đại diện công ty CADIVI-Ông Tô Văn Nhơn (GĐ NM CADIVI Sài gòn)-tại Lễ công nhận danh hiệu với sự chứng kiến của Ông Lê Thanh Liêm   Phó chủ tịch thường trực UBND TP HCM cùng ông Phạm Thành Kiên  Giám đốc Sở Công Thương Tp Hồ Chí Minh