CADIVI for the third time in a row is in the top "50 most effective companies in Vietnam" in 2017

  • 04:36, 14/06/2017
  • 4889

On June 9, 2016, Vietnam Electric Cable Company, in the third consecutive year, appeared in the list of "50 most effective companies in Vietnam" in 2017 according to the results of the survey of the company. Thien Viet Securities and Investment Bridge Magazine - one of the leading business magazines in Vietnam.

The rankings are made with the attendance of leading experts from Harvard and references from reputable charts like Bloooberg, Fortune, Forbes. The basic criteria for rating surveys are price Market capitalization to the time of April 2017 must reach 1.5 trillion dong or more, revenue in 2014, 2015, 2016 must be at 250 billion or more, net profit in 2014 , 2015, 2016 must be at 25 billion or more.


Picture: Mr. Nguyen Huu Viet - CADIVI Sales Director (middle, wearing red tie) to receive the honor

In the past year, CADIVI has impressive profit growth, combined pre-tax profit of 2016 reached 304 billion, up 39% compared to 2015. In 2017, revenue plan reached 6200 billion, profit before tax Consolidation of 410 billion, is expected to pay a dividend of 35%. With long-term vision and vision to 2021, CADIVI will become one of Southeast Asia's leading power cable manufacturers.