• 10:49, 16/11/2019
  • 3536

On November 16, 2019, CADIVI company successfully organized the 2019 Hai Phong Customer Conference held in Hai Phong City with the participation of about 200 guests. This is an opportunity for CADIVI company to express its gratitude to dealers, electrical stores, M&E contractors, shops, electricians, .... in the North.


View of customer conference in Hai Phong in November 2019 of CADIVI company


At the beginning of the conference, Mr. Le Tran Vinh - Director of Northern CADIVI Branch expressed his thanks for the support of agents in Hai Phong, Quang Ninh and Hai Duong. With the preparation to operate the Northern CADIVI factory, the CADIVI company will continue to have many support policies for customers, agents in Hai Phong, Quang Ninh and Hai Duong in particular and the North said. general.



Mr. Le Tran Vinh - Director of CADIVI MB Branch speaks at the conference

Next, Mr. Le Quang Dinh - General Director of CADIVI company expressed his deep thanks for the great contributions of the agents and the enthusiastic support of customers in the North and committed to always strengthen support agents to continue bringing together brands, CADIVI products increasingly sustainable development in this market in the future. CADIVI products will be delivered to Hai Phong, Quang Ninh and Hai Duong and the Northern markets more quickly and affordably, so that agents can boost sales in the remaining months of 2019.


Mr. Le Quang Dinh, General Director of CADIVI Company spoke at the Conference

A response from CADIVI company, Mr. Nguyen Khanh Toan, representative of TB Phuc Co., Ltd. gave a speech at the Conference


Mr. Nguyen Khanh Toan, Representative of Ngu Phuc TBD Company spoke at the Conference

Next, CADIVI company has introduced a new product Vcmo-LF-450/750 V. cable This product line was launched with many special features, including the properties of unleaded, PVC sheaths. Safe for users' health and the environment; High conductor working temperature, can be up to 90 OC; and especially easy to tear outer shell, suitable for quick and convenient construction.


Mr. Phạm Xuân Trang, TBP of CADIVI Technology, introduced a new product Vcmo-LF-450 / 750V at the Conference.

The conference was held intimate, cozy with performances and funny lottery program with lucky prizes.


Mr. Le Quang Dinh - General Director of CADIVI company and Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Phuong - Ngu Phuc TBD Co., Ltd. presented special prizes to customers CH Hai Huong


Ông Ngô Văn Thắng – ĐL Hưng Phát Hà Nội và ông Nguyễn Quang Đông - ĐL Đồng My trao giải nhất cho các khách hàng may mắn là CH Quốc Duy và CH Ngọc Dũng

9Ông Lương Thế Duy-ĐL Light Star và ông Nguyễn Văn Chung - ĐL Phú Thịnh trao giải nhì cho các khách hàng: CH Bách Long, Mr Bình ĐL Hải Phòng và Ms Huyền cty Thịnh Lợi


Ông Vũ Đăng Hạnh (ĐL ABB) và ông Nguyễn Đức Tường (cty Đức Tường) trao giải Ba cho các khách hàng may mắn: CH Thảo Huyền và CH Quang Huy


Ông Lê Trọng Dần (ĐL Quý Dần) và bà Võ Thị Tuyết Hương (ĐL Thanh Ngân) trao giải Ba cho các khách hàng may mắn: CH Tuấn Minh và CH Thanh Bình