CADIVI Company funded construction of the road of Binh Tien Hamlet in Giong Trom (Ben Tre)

  • 07:27, 20/03/2019
  • 3407
On March 16, 2016, the People's Committee of Binh Hoa Commune, Giong Trom District cooperated with the donor organization to cut the inauguration tape and put into use Binh Tien I highway to meet the new rural standard. Mr. Le Hoang Ngan, TBP forecast that CADIVI company market has attended the company.


Delegates cut the ribbon of Binh Tien I highway


Binh Tien I Road is 1,141m long, 3m wide, 14cm high, reaching the new rural standard, with a total cost of 900 million dong (including CADIVI company) and the people of Binh Tien I hamlet contribute and labor day.

Binh Tien I road is completed and put into use, replacing the old narrow road, creating conditions for people to travel and transport goods easily, thereby contributing to the implementation of the national target program on rural construction. new, promoting socio-economic development, improving people's lives.

On this occasion, the provincial People's Committee awarded a certificate of merit to CADIVI company for actively supporting material construction of rural transport in Binh Hoa commune.