CADIVI changes the content in QR code on civil wire labels

  • 09:34, 31/12/2019
  • 4782

First of all, Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company would like to express our sincere thanks to our valued customers who have trusted and used CADIVI brand Electric Cable during the past time.

To meet the needs of the market, while improving product quality, serving customers better and better, our company has continually researched and invested in technology, constantly improved. Our company has implemented and applied new management software in product quality control so that the content of QR code printed on the label has been changed.

CADIVI Company would like to inform our customers that the labels of our products have changed as follows:

CADIVI changes the size of the QR code and the content shown in the QR code of the electrical wire label (see illustration).
Labels for civil wires (winding type 100 m):


The content after using the QR code scanning software includes:

{|A11{|A252000017{|A3VCmo 2x1.5 (2x30/0.25)-300/500V YELLOW {|A40000000016{|A5DDLTHSX1000{|A6101000000021{|A7303{|B9CUO



Product: VCmo 2x1.5 (2x30 / 0.25) -300 / 500V yellow
Instructions for use: Link
Certification of SP: Link
The other sections are CADIVI management information used to trace the origin of products, only displayed when using the device and specialized QR code reader software.

2. When customers use smartphones using Android or iOS operating system with the function of reading QR code printed on the label, they will get the following information:

Product: the symbol of the product
Instructions for use: The link to view the User's Guides
Certification of SP: Link to see the Certification of product
The content of information about the unit, product, specifications and instructions for use, storage and safety warnings on the new label remain unchanged, remain the same as the old label and comply with Decree 43 / 2017 / ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 on goods labels.
Vietnam Electric Cable Joint Stock Company (CADIVI) will start to change the content of QR code on goods labels from January 2, 2020. Products manufactured before 01/01/2020 still use our previous labels and continue to circulate until the end.

CADIVI Company confirmed that this change does not affect the quality of CADIVI branded products that have been trusted and trusted by consumers so far. The change is only to improve the quality control and brand development of CADIVI in the near future.

Sincerely thank our customers for creating favorable conditions for the development of CADIVI.


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