CADIVI certified products are industrial products and industrial support representative 2016

  • 08:31, 09/01/2017
  • 9581
On the day 01/06/2017, in Hall City Party Committee, People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City held a ceremony to award certificates of industrial products and industrial support for 2016 represents 38 enterprises in HCM City, which with CADIVI.

Criteria for participation in the program is the product - Industrial product groups and supporting industries of the city likely to contribute to the industrial development and restructuring the economy of the city, from which develop mechanisms and policies to support the development of the typical products was selected. Also the program has gradually built, forming a list of industrial products and industrial support typical of the city, as a basis for the promotion activities, calling for investment in the industrial sector support ash. Through it, contributing motivational actively encourage enterprises innovation, creativity in production and business.

After 8 months of work, the Department of Trade shall, in collaboration with Centre for Development of Industry support and relevant units to conduct grading of products and product groups involved. Dated 12.08.2016, the Council voted to have conducted grading and selection of records involved, according to 38 products and product groups of 30 enterprises located in Ho Chi Minh City Desk award. CADIVI honored to receive the award for the product groups of cables (low-voltage power cables, medium-voltage power cables).
